August 19

How Child Support is Calculated in Las Vegas


Transcript of How Child Support is Calculated Video

[00:00] I wanted to briefly discuss how child support is calculated in Nevada. For all of you out there who are interested in this topic in Nevada, the statutory references NRS 125B.07

The basic idea for calculation of child support is this – we look at the number of children that you have, and the statute gives us a percentage of a payer’s gross monthly income for the calculation of child support.

So, for example, one child would equal 18% of your gross monthly income two children would equal 25% three children 29% four children 31% and every child above four is an additional 2%. So five children would be 33%, et Cetera, et cetera.

[00:57] Now, according to the statute, there’s a presumptive maximum cap schedule. So, if the percentage of your income for the number of children you have exceeds the presumptive maximum cap, then the court will apply the presumptive maximum cap.

[01:16] So the basic idea is that the court applies the lower of the two numbers. Now it’s important for all of you out there who are searching this and looking at the statute to be aware that the matrix in the statute for the presumptive cap is out of date. More specifically, the administrative offices of the Nevada Supreme Court update the presumptive maximum schedule every year. This typically happens on July 1st.

[01:46] The numbers are adjusted in congruence with more accurate figures for incomes today. Understand as well that the court wants the percentages applied and has the ability to make deductions or deviations as we call them against that number.

If you’re providing support for another child, there could be a credit, if you are paying for other extraneous items that are not child support (i.e. school tuition or childcare services) the court can take into consideration those additional payments and deviate from the amount that you’re otherwise required to pay.

[02:44] It’s important that you understand the child support calculation is based on primary physical custody. That means one parent having the child over 60% of the week. The calculation changes if parents share joint physical custody or parents share at least 40% of the week with each other regarding the child.

[03:09] We at the Leavitt Family Law Firm would be delighted to perform a child support evaluation for you. We will calculate how much support you’re either entitled to receive or required to pay. Please give us a telephone call at 702-605-0065 to allow us to assist you in figuring out how much you’d be obligated to pay or would otherwise be entitled to receive under the statute.

[03:41] Thanks. We look forward to speaking with you.

Contact the expert divorce attorneys at Leavitt Family Law Firm today for a free child support consultation, and we will make sure you are taken care of. CALL 702-605-0065 or CONTACT US to schedule a Free Consultation today.


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